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Newer Self

It's almost end of the year. And as  I take a look back at it,  I realize  the importance of every tiniest of the thing that happened to me.  I have always believed that  "everything happens for a reason and at the perfect time".  But during bad days ; I even wish I knew the reason and even wondered if there will ever be a perfect time.  It is said that one should forget  about the bad time, once it is done with. But I would like to add  words to it - "Forget about the bad time, once it is done with. But never forget what it taught you."  Not every day is a fairy tale nor is it a nightmare.  Just a different thought and experience. 

Over the year, I was also fortunate to have beautiful (inside out) humans around me.  Blessed enough to have additions to the list of people who adore me, respect me for who I am.  And also thankful to the ones  who have stayed with me.   

Towards the end of this year, I met a very important person. That's me.  I met a new version of me.  I met a side of me I never knew existed. I found a new dimension, a fresh vision. My mind has got the luxury to  wander into the corners that the older me had restricted myself from.  Why should I tame myself, when I could possibly fly?!

The prospective of beautiful experiences that life has in store for me, changed my perspective towards life or maybe myself.

Life will offer a variety of opportunities . It's up to me to grab it or not. How else will I grow as a person if I don't allow myself to go outside of the box? Perhaps leaving the comfort zone is not easy for any of us. But what's the harm in trying? As Swami Vivekananda said, "Take risks in life. If you win, you can lead. If you lose, you can guide. " Maybe one needs to always keep this in mind.

You don't always have to be brave to jump right into the new world that awaits for you. It's okay if you are taken aback, or if you are worried.  You just have to have faith in yourself. No matter if you jump into the pool when everyone else is already swimming in it. It's not a competition. Have your own pace. You will end up enjoying what life offers you; only if you show the courage. And are willing to taste every aspect of life.

In the coming year, I am prepared to let  my new found self to fly to heights and dive to the depths and get wild with my thoughts. One step at a time.
Albeit doing all this, I will not forget my older self.  Because that is who has helped me grow, touch lives of people. And I will hold these traits dear to me. 

With all this said, are you keen on finding a newer version of yourself?

- AS


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