It's said that dog is man's best friend.
A dog loves you more than he loves himself.He becomes a part of your world but to him you are the world.
Dogs are to be taught how to behave.This is something that is universally accepted.
But I beg to differ.I think there are tons of things that man can learn from dogs. Loyalty ,selflessness,purity of heart,being genuine,loving and so goes the list.
Inspite of all these great qualities that dogs possess,they are still used to describe humans who dont stand a chance to be slightest as good as dogs. "He is a dog.She is a bitch.Sala kutta aadmi hai yar wo" .These are some of the phrases that we hear or use everyday whenever a person does something disrespectful or something not so good.
Maybe we can all change our perspectives a little.
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