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Kutta Aadmi

It's said that dog is man's best friend. A dog loves you more than he loves himself.He becomes a part of your world but to him you are the world. Dogs are to be taught how to behave.This is something that is universally accepted. But I beg to differ.I think there are tons of things that  man can learn from dogs. Loyalty ,selflessness,purity of heart,being genuine,loving and so goes the list. Inspite of all these great qualities that dogs possess,they are still used to describe humans who dont stand a chance to be slightest as good as dogs. "He is a dog.She is a bitch.Sala kutta aadmi hai yar wo" .These are some of the phrases that we hear or use everyday whenever a person does something disrespectful or something not so good. Irony!! Maybe we can all change our perspectives a little. - AS


She sat in the window,staring at the rose It was then that the time froze.The rose reminded her of the good times.But thorns gushed to her attention like a devil with  horns .The good times faded and bad memories took over.The slate was no more clean.The tears rolled down her cheeks.The time unfroze ,But her thoughts din't.Unbearable the pain became,Even the sky frowned upon her sadness.N so it cried too.The raindrops now settled on the rose making it fresh. Untangling her mind's mesh.N that's how the raindrops befriended her tears and thus evry time she cried the sky cried too and thats how the sound of raindrops soothes her. - AS Photo courtesy :

Bye bye 2016

Scrolling down facebook and instagram all I can see are the memes and trolls about how 2016 couldn't be more worse.These posts made be look back onto my 2016. To be honest it feels like I just blinked and *poof* 2016 is over.It started off with not so pleasant encounters with some people. Then life took a surprisingly enchanting turn.Things began to untangle themselves.Life started becoming easier.The happiness of getting placed,new home,new life and much more! They say good things happen in a blink of an eye.I suppose that's what my 2016  was for me- "A good thing".Some  Friends came even closer than they ever were,some left the side unexpectedly while some stayed unexpectedly. Everything happens for a good reason and losing the people I lost was all worth it. I knew people are full of surprises.2016 made me experience it.It taught me that people help you if conditions are right for them,it taught me that true friendship is not when you say it is; it's when...