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Showing posts from 2024

Chasing sunlight

Coming out of the office building in the evening and seeing it was still bright outside was so refreshing. I never really cared about it in India; never thought I'd crave for something as abundant as sunlight. UK winters certainly changed that.  It will take only a few more days of spring to get used to late sunsets until we stop valuing the sunlight. Only for winters to return and make us crave it again.  We run the rat race for abundance; abundance of money, success, possessions, power. Yet, we easily overlook what the universe teaches us through sunlight—abundance doesn't necessarily guarantee satisfaction or fulfillment.  In the end, perhaps life isn't about chasing endless abundance, but about stopping to catch the lessons the universe tosses our way, hidden in the everyday hustle and bustle. - AS

Skybound reflections

                                                  I am sitting in my life-size window, holding a cup of coffee in my hands and gazing at the beautiful sky. The two blossom trees across the road seem to smile through their pink flowers. Spring is here. As the setting sun paints the sky with hues of pink and orange, the fluffy clouds glow in the rays of the setting sun. I can't help but think what an amazing artist the universe is. Every day it creates a masterpiece on its vast canvas - the sky. A new day brings with it a new masterpiece, and my mind races with a million questions. Could cloudy sunsets be the universe's way of concealing its art, perhaps out of anxiety on a particular evening? What if the universe is trying to teach us something? Maybe sunsets are the universe's way of telling us that we are capable of creating masterpieces. That every masterpiece w...