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Showing posts from February, 2016


Ever felt sad about getting distant from a person who once meant a lot to you?Happens with evryone right!Why is it that we get attachd to people so much that we forget about everything for them? Unknowingly we start expecting.Expectations lead to disappointment ...every one can relate to this right?!The disappoint leaves behind nothing but wounds.The wounds that we nurture so much that we can't see it's infecting the surrounding-"our feelings".And then we realise is it really worth the pain!? The pain is inevitable   but the suffering is not.Be brave ,face the situations,heal the wounds because  then you will see that strength is not in never getting wounded bt it is in holding your head high with scars that say -"I survived" - AS Photo courtesy :

The fight with your inner self

Photo courtesy : There are times when you don't feel like yourself anymore.The world around you begins to fall apart, you no longer feel like a part of anything, rather anyone!Even sharing it with your closed ones does not feel right anymore, it's like you are fading away!Your feelings don't make sense to you anymore!It's like one lil' bad thing n *poof* You are dragged into every other sad memory, every other feeling you wish to forget.All you wanna do is runaway.But perhaps there's no other way but fighting yourself back to the top.There's a ray of hope, a slightest opportunity of freedom that you search for and yeah that's the ray that makes you survive just one more day hoping that everything will get fine! - AS.